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The Game of Life

In this dimension or this appearing physical dimension
there are simply those from the same place,
appearing to do different things
so that the game of life in the earth plane can be played.

That is all there is,
nothing magical or mystical to it.
It is all very simple, very practical, very logical and that is all.
Please take this forward with you

Knowing that we each have our own jobs so to speak,
and we are each doing them with our own joy of doing
even though it appears that we are in separate forms or bodies.

We are truly all one and the same remembering and that’s all.
We have done this as a way for all of creation to ascend or move back into light.
And in order to experience new experiences
we took on the challenge of creating and believing
in the limited dimensions in order for the universes to expand
and now we return back.

But you must remember that this was a work of love.
We were volunteers who chose to have this experience
and having gotten lost in your human experience
forgot that you were here to play.

That you and everything you did and created was divine in nature,
all of the pain, all of the suffering, all of the killing, death, darkness.
Everything was a grand play that you performed in
and while you were performing on stage,
you began to believe the play
and it is now time to wake up
and see that you are on stage playing a play
enjoying yourselves because you chose the role you are in
to be part of the divine plan.

Let the party begin, new adventures, new awakenings
in a way that you have yet experienced are about to arrive
be ready, be happy.
Be at peace with your decision and love your journey
it will make your journey easier.
Our love to you al.l

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