A Truth about Angels
This is to dispel the images or identities given to angelic beings. What first must be understood is that angels do not have limitations as humans perceive them. Limitations and focus on areas is purely a human gimmick. In being a pure Angel or Archangel, all angelic beings, especially archangels have the ability to do everything. They are not limited to one area of life or working in one area. Believe it or not, they actually have the possibility to multitask and be equally skilled at all of their tasks.
All of the books that have been written on archangels and angelic realms are pretty much human perceptions; all truth in their own level of consciousness and through their own experience, but the fact of the matter is, is that angels and archangels are unlimited. In particular, certain realms of angelic beings multitask deliberately in all areas uncommon to what has been written in books and described by many famous authors.
We would say to you that archangels Gabriel, Michael, Uriel, Rafael, and so on are all unlimited beings that have the ability to do anything that they so decide that is within their order or nature. They are not limited to helping people in relationships, to dealing with animals, to dealing with nature, to your love life, to power and protection. These are limitations placed on them by human beings.
Everything that you have read or heard about what an Archangel or the angelic realm does is perceived through limitations of the perceiver; that they are unlimited beings that can do multitudes of things simultaneously and equally comprehensive with great zest, vigor and completion all in order, with the divine plan. Put aside everything that you have read and everything that you believe in about the angelic realm as these will set to limit you and your perceptions as you are simply placing human design on a limitless existence.
Let us be clear, however, that all of the orders that you have read about or understood do exist and to some degree their qualities. But most of all, what we’re wanting you to do is to put aside all of your beliefs and the stories that you hold about the limitations and qualities that the angelic realm holds. The angelic realm holds all of those qualities.
Let’s give an example. A human being might be an engineer, or a contractor, or a builder, and even though they do focus on those areas. They can talk, communicate, drive, transport themselves and others. They can assist others on the side of the highway. They can assist people with their own particular problems or physical ailments. They may do many things other than just be an engineer or builder. This is a simple comparison as to what it is like in the angelic realms angels are limitless beings.
I think one of the main problems with scripture is not scripture itself but assumption in the mind’s of men as we read it. The stories we have about angels don’t usually say “and this is all they can do/angels are limited (though many might assume this after reading) but neither do we have any evidence angels as creatures ~ are “greater” than us as Souls, or more limitless.
I am really curious about ancient, esoteric understandings of one’s “Guardian Angel” as I suspect there is a oneness of sorts we share with that particular creature.
Let me add that modern day mystics like Lorna Byrne (who seems very authentic and talks a lot about specialty roles of angels) do not say angels are “limited” to “specialties”. Human language itself (form) is limited in its ability to express fully the nature of non matter, or Spirit. But, once again, I think limitations or misperceptions about the Spiritual exist in our own material brain (assumptions) when we read someone trying to put Invisible Divine Expression into earthly word.