Accepting Yourself – Releasing the Past
You have to fully accept who you are completely, 100%, that includes your ego/personality and all of your flaws, mistakes and old memories you are carrying forth into the present. If you cannot accept them than they are denied your love, they are denied the return to their creator and they have to be continued because they are being dragged along as you pull along your past. And as long as you pull along your past, you are subject to the past. And the past, not even being just in this lifetime, but in whatever life experiences that are being retained in your soul memory we’ll call it, as long as you’re dragging that along you will be continually repeating the same old stuff you did for eons.
You have to accept it to say, “Come to me now. “Loving your creations back, and as you love them back they are allowed to be in the present and in the present you can decide what one’s work, what ones do not. Take the wisdom from them and move on as an absolute creator, not being subject to any past experiences, laws, beliefs, attitudes, or knowings.
Unconditional acceptance of who you are, who you have been, what you have experienced, all of your experience is required for you to be able to accept it and love it back and simply by loving it back to the present it is transformed. And then it is just simply a conscious decision if you are going to use any of those skills, tools or experiences again or not.
If you sit in judgment of them that is the complete opposite. It is the rejection of them and saying to your creations, “You are not good enough for me. You are not good enough for me to experience. You are not good enough for me to love back and therefore you must stay out there.” And there is no gathering of self and therefore there is no wholeness. Return to wholeness. Love your creations back. Love and accept all of your experiences, all of your deeds, all of your doings, all of your attitudes. Accept them all back. Know that they have all helped you become who you are and who you are becoming, the experienced master.