Be present with feeling
So being present is key to experiencing fully and getting everything that you want. But, if your mind, or your thoughts, or you, are wandering about somewhere else when you are with someone, then you miss all these parts and you have to go back and reclaim them. So now, you’re trying… now if this is the way you do it, you’re trying to reclaim while you’re with someone else…
So now you’re with someone else again trying to reclaim what you missed, while you were with the other person… Now you’ve missed something with them that you have to reclaim!
You’re always behind and you’re never getting it, you’re never fully present, you’re never in the moment and you’re never fully satisfied, because you’re never just in the moment, enjoying the moment.
It’s probably “just enough.” Just enough is just enough, but it’s never satisfactory or it’s never satisfying. It’s always enough to get you by, but then you are always looking for that “more,” while you’re just getting “just enough” each time, and you never are fully satisfied.
One way to put it is: being present is being 100% in the pleasure of the moment; and if you’re there, you will remember it! But, later it’s not important, because you don’t hold on to that memory. So there’s this fine line of not being there for the experience and not having or missing it, versus being there for the experience, fully having it but not remembering it.
The fine line difference is the first one when you’re checked out and you’re not there, you really didn’t have the experience… So now what are you really remembering? The experience, the feeling of it- you’re not remembering the event. Okay? Now, when you don’t remember the experience of it, you can’t repeat it and you will feel that you never had it.
But when you remember the experience, every moment of your life is a full experience, you just feel the feeling of the moment and the circumstance doesn’t matter. So you might forget, “I really enjoyed riding my bike, but I had that same feeling when I played pool. All I remember is the feeling. God, I remember the feeling.” “Did you ever have that before?” “ Yeah.” “Where was it?” “I don’t remember. But I remember the feeling.”
That’s the wisdom. All you need is the wisdom. You don’t need the memory of the circumstances. You don’t need the superficial memory. The truth is that it was a feeling that you had, an energetic experience. How it played out in the hologram, whether it was with Rachel or Sue or Mary or Mark, it doesn’t matter! Memory of the experience, not who it was with…
You will eventually forget who it was with, in time, but you will always remember the feeling. And every time you encounter the feeling it will be fully in the experience. It will be the pleasure of the moment, whatever it is. And it won’t matter who, when or where. Oh, sometimes in your mind or your mental picture, you’ll remember: “Oh, it was with so and so and we did this and that.” But that’s not the main importance.
Because there are plenty of people who remember who it was with but have no concept of the feeling. “Oh yeah, I remember hugging John.” “What did it feel like?” “I dunno, I just remember doing it.”
That’s not an experience. That’s not satisfying, and it’s not an experience. It’s not a full experience. When you ask me, “Do you remember da da da da da?” I’ll say, “I don’t but can you tell me about it?” and then that triggers my memory of the event but I know the feeling when you’re talking about it because I can feel the feeling. But when you remind me that it happened at this place, ah, now I remember. I remember that and the feeling. But the feeling is your wisdom. The mental memory is simply an empty experience that you explain where you experienced that feeling, in that dimension or in that hologram.
Art by Michael Cavallaro