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Being Present

Being present means being emotionally and consciously in the here and now. One reason for not being present, is that there is a conscious or unconscious fear. It may be fear of a particular situation, of being in this world, perceived faults or limitations, fear of being hurt, etc.

This characteristic is unique in each individual. Being present is key to the individual’s overcoming difficulties.  If one is not present then there is no past to remember and no future to come. The past is recorded in the subconscious and can be accessed, but it is not remembered by the conscious mind. This is a contributing factor as to why people with ADD forget. Being present gives one a past they remember and something to build a future on.  Many people live in the past or think of the future to avoid the present. Many people “check out” emotionally and detach to avoid the present. They have difficulty remembering what has just been said, because they are not present.

 Not being present affects the energy system of the body

thereby affecting the chemistry in the brain and causing  physical proof in the brain. We propose it is not the other way around. We feel that the body left  to its own devices is perfect and will heal itself. We feel that it is belief systems, emotional difficulties, and disruption of the body’s energy systems that are at the root of the problem. Drugs may temporarily override these  symptoms but make no permanent change. The only permanent change  comes from balancing the body’s energy system, changing belief structure,  and healing emotional wounds. We encourage the pursuit of any safe  method that assists in the reduction of symptoms to support one as they  acquire permanent change.

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