Concepts as Tools
We are using the concepts as tools. The concepts are to slow down; to deprogram the brain so it stops scrambling your reception of your Spirit; then you get to the heart. But until you slow down all those programs, you are going to have challenges because they are constantly going to be running.
So as much as you have got running, that is how much interference you have to being clear with yourself. So get that the concepts are tools. The tools are foundational for the mind because people are very mental. And so we have got to slow the mind enough for them to feel the heart.
Those who have just feeling senses and don’t have a whole lot of mind running, they still have the programs. So what happens is they have to have the concepts because when the heart opens up and the head programs kick in and it starts to connect, they are going to have the programs that they’ve got to delete or be able to handle or manage. It is just a reversal process. But either way, when you connect the head and the heart, one way or the other your human is going to run the programs. And you need to have the tools so that it makes it easier so the human doesn’t panic. Because once the human panics, then everything shuts down. Panic is constricting; panic is anxiety; panic is fear; fear is constricting. Once it constricts, it narrows the passage way for your Spirit to connect with your humanness and it limits your ability to be hooked up to get clear. So the more you panic, the more cut off you are; and the weirder things get in your human life.
So you’ve got to have these tools to manage that human should it panic; to deprogram it so it doesn’t panic; and so that it is easier when you are having a rough experience and so your humanness doesn’t start making stories about what is going on which then kicks you into panic; which then throws you into constriction, which then cuts you off from your Spirit while you are in panic. This is what happens to people when they go into panic attacks.