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Fears, Doubts, and Insecurities

Instead of allowing your fears, doubts, and insecurities, find the solutions in spite of having those fears, doubts, and insecurities.  When you find the solution, then there’ll be no doubts, fears, or insecurities, because there’s a solution! And then it’s done.  But as long as you stay in those fears, doubts, and insecurities, then there is no solution, you continually have no answer, you continually don’t move forward, and it just perpetuates itself.

That’s why the doing is important.  Just do it anyway.  What’s beautiful is that you have the tools to work through them, or to ease it, while you do the process.  But what people have been wanting to do is use the tools and not do anyway.  “Well I have beliefs about that, I have fears so I’ll do I’ll blah blah blah blah.  Okay, I don’t have that fear anymore.”  But they still don’t go do. They can sit now and think about it and they don’t have that same feeling or fear so they think they’re done.   No.  Go do.

Doing allows you to actually experience the change. You can say all day that you are no longer afraid of the water but if you never get in you never experience the change and it doesn’t take effect.

When you allow the feelings that go along with the doubts, fears, and insecurities to prevent you from moving forward, you never move forward.  So most people think if I don’t have the feeling, then I won’t have the fear.  That’s not true.  They temporarily not have the feeling but still have the fear.  “I no longer feel the fear of water!” (until I’m around it again).  The result of doing is not having the fear, doubt, or insecurity and have produced fearlessly, doubtlessly.

It doesn’t matter whether it’s internal or external what these fears, doubts, and insecurities block you from doing.  Some people just see it on the outside and they never deal with the inside. The inside ones are just as detrimental to you, if not more.

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