Lost in the Little Stuff
Do not be so lost in the little things in life or what you would call daily life. It is time for everyone now to begin to look at a bit larger picture than you have traditionally done. In doing so, you will find it will be easier to manage and overcome the little things in life.
Little things in life are those things that obtain or detain you from being conscious. So, it would be an example of your arguments with others, your anger, your frustration, your emotions, your work world, your family world. If you could only get over the fact that you believe your little things are really your life, you would begin to see what your life really is. It is time now for you to begin to expand.
You have thought you were expanding all this time in the work you have been doing in your little world. But what we are telling you is that your little world that you have been working on has been the little things that you must do in order to find your real world, your greater world, or your essence.
It is time for you also to begin to stop looking at others and seeing them as something other than yourself. Understand that everyone out there is you. They are a version of you they are an aspect of you — not in a literal sense, but in an essence sense. So do not do as many other people do and just say, “Oh, I love everyone.” This cannot be so because of your limitations, because you do not even know what love is, how can you love everyone? This is your little stuff trying to get a hold of the big stuff and act and feel like it is something greater than it is. It would be to your betterment to become humble and realize that you really do not have a clue and you are not in control and yet you are.
This would assist you in what they usually say as letting go. Letting go is actually letting go of your little stuff or your little self. That is what you are letting go of. You are not letting go of the past, you are not letting go of all these other things that are perceived when they instruct people on this. What you are actually, again, letting go of is your little self or the little things in life. You must let go of those little things in order to find the big things.
As long as you are focused on the little things, you will never see the big things. It is like you are walking with your head down, looking at the ground, waiting for the clouds to arrive. Yet you never lift your eyes up toward the heavens to see the clouds.
In this analogy, you should know that the ground is your little stuff and the clouds are your big stuff. As long as you are looking down, you will never see the big stuff. How could you ever reach the heavens if you only ever saw or felt the ground?
So, it is time for you to let go of the little stuff, it is time for you to lift your eyes to the heavens, metaphorically speaking.
like it alot thank you
Thanks Chris….hope you are well
Thank you