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People are your mirrors and teachers

Open your eyes and look around, there is a lesson to be learned from everyone around you. Whether your interactions are positive or negative, if you pay attention, you will see that people are your mirrors and teachers. But what does this really mean and how can you apply it to your everyday life?

If you want to make permanent change, you need to take the time to learn from others. Start by thinking of every person, from your father to the lady at the checkout counter, as a mirror. This means that you share similar beliefs, behaviors and ways of being. And more importantly, if they are doing something, you are probably doing it too.

Whenever you notice something that annoys you, frustrates you, makes you angry or even makes you excited about another person, ask yourself where you do it in your own life. Although you may not like what you see, the other person is probably a mirror.

For example, suppose that your friend Marsha is a big gossip. Every time you hang out, she complains about others and spreads news about everyone in town. This begins to annoy you more and more, especially as you realize that you hate her behavior. Eventually, you can’t take it and start to complain about her actions to others. But if you look closely, you will see that you are doing the same thing she is doing. By complaining about Marsha, you are mirroring her behaviors.

Although it may not feel good to look at this, if you take it as a learning experience, you will be able to grow and change from it. Start paying attention to when you complain or gossip about others. Ask yourself why you are doing it? What benefit are you getting from gossiping? Your answers will come from within and will allow you to uncover beliefs that may be holding you back in life. Change these beliefs and change your life!

People are your mirrors and teachers is the second Concept in The 55 Concepts: A Guide to Conscious Living by Michael Cavallaro. The 55 Concepts are practical tools to help you make real change. From resolving relationship issues to solving problems at work, you can easily apply the 55 Concepts to almost any situation, allowing you to sail through the blocks that used to hold you back.


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