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Section 2 Aspects


An aspect is really a judged experience. And the judged experience then is energy separated from your consciousness, from your love, from your Essence. And when you make that judgment and create an aspect, you have rejected some part of you. You have consciously or unconsciously created duality within yourself, multiple, thousands of times through each and every judgment. And when we have used the metaphor that you have to love your aspects, it really goes back to unconditional acceptance of all of your experiences.

When you judge your experiences, you are energetically fragmented. So loving your aspects back simply means no judgment and all your experiences become one. That one is you. It is the summation of all of your experiences on all levels of existence. It is reunification. It is wholeness.



Aspects Are Perceptions                                                                            
Aspects – An Explanation                                                               
Projecting Your Aspects                                                                 
Projecting Your Aspects – Entitlement Aspects and Others      
Creator, Images, Aspects                                                               
Core Programs – Internal Programs and External Reflection   
Judging and Loving Your Aspects                                                  
Calling Back Your Aspects and Expectations                               
Aspects, Another Perspective – 4 Step Process                         
Loving Our Aspects                                                                         
Feeling the Love of Your Creations                                              
Accepting Yourself – Releasing the Past                                      
Your Limitations and Freedom                                                                 
Aspects, Yet Another Perspective                                              
Journal to Self-Discovery Pages                


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