This that is happening today is NOT about violence nor is it about just Mr Floyd. This is about the WOUNDS humanity holds in their hearts!
If there were no wounds there would be no violence, hatred or cruelty.
People are unconsciously crying out for their wounds to be seen, heard, and healed. But meeting this with violence and racism o
nly begets more wounds.
![Hand, United, Together, People, Unity](https://cdn.pixabay.com/photo/2016/12/19/10/16/hand-1917895__340.png)
This is not just a black wound it is a human wound without color.
Humans have been enslaved and abused for thousands of years. This is nothing new.
All races have been abused not just black, not just Asian, not just white not just the indigenous…. but everyone. All you have to do to see this is look at history. No one holds the medal for being a slave or abused. Even children and women today are enslaved and used for sex trafficking….how much worse than this can it get.
We as humanity must acknowledge the wound of everyone with compassion and not pity. We as humanity must assist each other in finding a way to heal those wound before wars will end and the wound will heal.
We must not criticize that which we have not experienced.
We most not allow the wounds to create more wounds.
We must not allow the pain of generations take over our youth and allow their misguided anger and generational rage to create more destruction and hatred.
The youth have no idea how this began, they only carry the wounds of the past and behave as if it were theirs. It is the generations of pain that is carried and passed down that they act on and thereby create pain in their current experience.
Generational pain and wounds on both sides create this hatred and anger. To live in the concept of black hating whites, Israelis hating Palestinians, and vice versa is only a reflection of the past and then that becomes the now.
Changing the past within and ceasing the generational wounds is the key!
The past is only passed down beliefs. So ….change your beliefs, heal your wounds and we will live in a new world.
Leaders must understand this in order to lead properly or they only perpetuate the past.
When leaders understand this and act on this then and only then is there a chance for peace and the end of racism!!!
With LOVE,