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The Journey of Life

In this journey what we want to tell you is that there are three choices you have in life.

One is to resist and ignore changes that occur in your life. This means to hold on to the old, do what is familiar and not look into things that are, should we say, uncomfortable.

Two, this is to go with the changes, flow with life become a part of whatever is occurring in your world or your life and find a way to transition and move forward but you are being carried through life by the energies that are moving or changing. This is not a choice of creatorship.

The third is to become a creator. Take charge of your own life. Direct it consciously. Consciously work through any patterns or issues, belief systems or thoughts that keep you limited. This is the path to unlimited freedom.

The others are all optional and the choice is always is yours, but know that when you make these choices you can always change them and go backwards and try one of the other two paths. The only one that you cannot change is when you choose to take charge of your life.

Once you have taken charge of your life going back is nearly impossible and at best you can sit back and flow with the changes and take a backseat, so to speak, but all the while you will be conscious of what is going on and what you have done because you have chosen that path of taking charge of your life. This at some point is a path of no return however this path gives you the opportunity of such great freedom and creative abilities that going back is rarely ever desired.


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