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Trans-Dimensional Dynamics _ The Process of Ascension

Trans-Dimensional Dynamics is not something you do, it is something you experience. It is done by the soul or the essence but the consciousness experiences it in each dimensional reality. It is what occurs when the essence is traveling between dimensional realities.

__ (c) Original Art, Michael Cavallaro

It is what is felt by the embodied consciousness in each reality, in other words, the personal identity of the dimensional self that the soul is inhabiting. It is the process of changing matter/energy and what it does to the form/the body in the dimensional reality is traveling through and embodying in with its consciousness. It is the effects of particlizing and in departiclizing matter and form and how it is interpreted in those dimensional realities.

 It is the ability to fluidly change from one form/energy patterning to another with consciousness and conscious awareness. It is an understanding with conscious awareness in the individual realities that you are inhabiting.

When one travels in what people would call the sleep one is experiencing trans-dimensional dynamics. Often times it is not consciously remembered or ever understood. This could be called astral travel but astral travel is merely a limited perspective of this trans-dimensional dynamic.

In its truer form trans-dimensional dynamics occurs throughout all of existence as one’s form, one’s matter and one’s consciousness all transition from one experience to another fluidly allowing the essence of the being to experience multidimensional multi-reality experiences.

When the person / being becomes conscious of this understanding this dynamic improves the experience of consciousness in moving from one reality to another. At some point this trans-dimensional dynamic becomes a fluid dynamic.

Fluid dynamics is where the soul or essence has become expert, if you will, at the trans-dimensional transitions and moves into fluid dynamics. We could say that trans-dimensional dynamics is the beginning stages or intermediate stages of the ability to move one’s consciousness from one existence to another thereby changing and managing manifested forms or non-form existences consciously.

When one has moved into fluid dynamics it becomes that, fluid. It is a fluid experience where one does not experience harsh reality changes nor consciousness shifts that are delineated between each other. The essence of the being is fluidly conscious between all dimensional realities and experiences and thereby adjusts quite easily in its changes of shifting

What this means is that when one moves from one-dimensional reality to another there is no loss of consciousness nor any disorientation when one moves into another state of existence. This is what we are calling fluid dynamics.

Trans-dimensional dynamics happens naturally without effort and without control. The consciousness of the inhabited identity or embodiment does not typically have the ability to control or manipulate these dynamics. When this is done in its highest form it is naturally occurring from the soul by the essence of the being.

When one Masters this travel they become a fluid dynamics master whereby traveling between realities is always a conscious experience. In this state of fluid dynamics the essence is conscious and the individual is conscious of the essence. The individual identity allows and witnesses the consciousness of the essence moving between realities and uses this consciousness to enhance and imbibe the experience.

Human beings in their natural state travel with this trans-dimensional dynamics in their sleep and occasionally in their waking state. This is a natural ability of the soul to move the being from one experience to another. This is ultimately guided by the essence of the being and is used as a form of conscious and unconscious communication between the inhabited identities in whatever particular dimension the essence is embodying in or encountering.

It is like a constant communication network between the essence, soul and inhabited identity. As an individual ascends in consciousness their awareness of this trans-dimensional and fluid dynamics becomes more available to their conscious awareness.

In the beginning it is disorienting typically to the human identity and other limited realities but as this occurs over a gradual basis the human identity accepts these changes. With an educated understanding of what is occurring to the individual they can integrate this with their conscious awareness in the particular embodied form.

When this occurs they will then be able to tap into and use the trans-dimensional dynamics and the fluid dynamics consciously to move between realities and have a full embodied experience. This leads to richer experiences and the development of the natural/divine abilities of the individual form and identity the being is inhabiting.

So for example when this occurs to a human being the human being will then discover and use their talents, if you will. These talents are the skills of manifestation, consciousness, miracles, and any other abilities that are useful for the soul in the particular embodied experience. This is a conceptual overview of this process. Again this process is natural and guided by the essence spirit/soul of the being.

Now what happens in this process the essence/soul, which we will from now on refer to as essence, particlizes and reparticlizes its awareness or the form at will. This particlization or departiclization takes place typically in the human sleep mode but may also occur in the waking state while maintaining a holographic perceptual display of their embodied identity.

What this looks like is that the human will be appearing physically present in the reality with those that they are interacting with and everything will look normal. When the essence chooses to travel they will move the consciousness of the human being to another existence while maintaining a slight awareness of what is occurring in the human reality maintaining a sense of normalcy and a continued experience in a particular timeline or experience.

When the consciousness in a greater volume, in this case we will use 80% of the consciousness, is moved to another existence the human will appear normal and completely functioning because the essence of that human is maintaining the reality, in other words, multitasking.

The consciousness is then in general moved to some other-dimensional reality while they are either learning transitioning or experiencing another reality. Then when this lesson or temporary experience is complete a greater amount of the consciousness is moved back into the human identity. Thereby they are having a fuller richer embodied experience with the new wisdom, upgrades or changes in consciousness.

However there are times when it is done unconsciously and there is no effect in the human reality when they return and many will not even know that they left or returned. In the human experience, it will look like they have spaced out, blanked out or temporarily lost focus in the reality that they are in. Sometimes people may notice it and other times they may not this all depends on the skills of the essence and how they have learn to maintain and appearing holographic reality of the human being they are embodied as.

In other words, if they are really good at this nobody in the human existence will notice that they left or traveled and will think that everything is completely normal. But if they are not very good at this they will appear disoriented or somehow off, so to speak and the people around them will notice and may or may not comment based upon the extreme of their temporary dysfunctional state.

In the beginning of this trans-dimensional dynamics as the individual learns and experiences this, the body or form in which they are displaying themselves goes through many changes. This to some is called Ascension symptoms.

These are results of the embodied density adjusting to the new fluid dynamics that are occurring within the consciousness and the form itself. There is an actual change in the quantum dynamics of the inhabited form and there are adjustments to be made both to the form and to the consciousness of the form that is inhabited.

Meaning and for example when a human being is going through the ascension process or what some have called the Light Body process their body goes through physical, chemical and energetic changes and  their consciousness does too.

When this occurs there are signs and symptoms in both the body and the consciousness that can be identified in this change. This typically looks like changes to the human being’s patterning, belief systems or behaviors and a change in their physical body that could be laden with symptoms ranging in so many varieties that they are almost limitless but we will go over a few.

Some of the symptoms will be eye issues, headaches, joint pains, chemistry changes, heart pressure, breathing, kidney aches, aches in every organ, skin changes, changes in teeth, bones etc. That is what it may look like to the average human being. But at a grander level their essence is aware of this of this trans-dimensional dynamics and is attempting to become a fluid dynamic master. These fluid dynamics are occurring at the quantum level and beyond. There are levels beyond quantum physics that have yet to be discovered and will eventually more clearly explain fluid dynamics

Each and every dimensional reality has its own set of trans-dimensional dynamics symptoms and experiences that can be explained and understood in every reality. Each one is slightly similar yet slightly different. This means that it is not limited to the human experience and will occur in other realities, other worlds or other existences and that the signs and symptoms will be different yet the experience of particlization and departiclization or fluid dynamics is experienced in every world based upon the frequency of the world/dimension one is traveling to or through.                                

Written and Copyright   @Michael Cavallaro 2020

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