War and Truth

War only occurs in the outer world because human beings are at war with themselves; there is a fight between their ego-personality programs and their inner truth. This war is then projected onto the outside world and acted out in wars in the human world.
There is a fight between your ego-personality that wants to live the programs that it is and that it has been trained to be. And there is this inner source that these programs are trying to avoid or conquer. There is this inner truth that cannot be conquered. So in a way, there is this war within self. These programs are about judgments of self and battles of your own inner power; your own inner power meaning your own inner truth. Inner truth is truly the power that people seek to have.
And this is what the wording of ‘Don’t give away your power’ means. It truly means to do not give away your inner truth to believe in the truth of the outer world. This would be the abandonment of self or the giving away of your power. These programs are trying to maintain their position and therefore there appears to be a split within you and this split within you is a division. This division is then the battle; the battle for truth. It is not truly a battle but it appears to be a battle and its reflection in the human world comes out as a battle or war.
In truth there is no fighting, there is just patience and love. And in that patience, which is love is the waiting until these programs are ready to return home; until you are ready to cease the judgment of self and be your inner truth in the outer world. But until this occurs it will appear in the outer world as warring, fighting, difficulty and power struggles. Only because there are these inner power struggles between your programs against your inner truth.
The truth does not struggle but the programming or the belief systems struggle and this is the war. Your truth is patient. It is kind. It is ever waiting for you to return home and become non-judgmental and accepting of self. When you truly love yourself in this way, unconditionally accepting of self without judgment; war will cease in the outside world because it will be impossible for you to kill someone else in the physical world while you know that it is you.
So it would be like deliberately stabbing yourself in the chest or shooting yourself whatever the version of war is in your time. This would no longer be possible if you truly loved self. You would not seek to destroy for any reason a part of yourself if you so loved yourself and then this would be reflected in the outside world as a peaceful world without war.
In “Positive Disintegration”, Kazimierz Dabrowski, MD, PHD describes how, in some sensitive children – the destruction of the “first” personality learned from the outer world, though painful, successfully births the higher one, in which these people fulfill their great potential, now choosing the higher Impulse over the lower one – rather than the flat-lined, ready made choices of the world from which people we call normal choose.