When in Doubt – Do Nothing
When in doubt, be an observer and do nothing. The truth will always reveal itself if you are a patient observer. And in observation, you are not doing nothing; you are sensing. And as a sensate observer, you are not taking an action but you are receiving information.
So in a funny sort of way, doing nothing is not doing nothing; it is doing something. And in being the observer and doing nothing, you wait for the truth to be revealed; and then you will know what to do, what to think, what to choose by being observant. Sensing and interpreting through your human skills, then you will be able to discern appropriate action or inaction.
But if you do nothing by not acting out and internally you are not being the observer, you are still doing something and that will interfere with your understanding and receiving of information and reception of the truth in order to make a decision. That decision may be “Oh, it is all about me. I need to see why I have this feeling in the first place.” That may be the truth.
The truth may be you need to know why you are having that feeling at all; where it came from, what you might do with it, change it, alter it, or just ignore it. But not ignore it by suppressing it; ignoring the impulse and not following an impulse with an action; but allowing yourself to feel the impulse of “Ooh, I have to have this behavior. Ooh, I have to have this reaction.” And ignore that impulse and simply be still.
Yes, you will feel the impulse go through but you do not have to respond to every impulse you have. That is what makes people crazy. If you respond to an impulse, remember impulses are energy, so you may feel an energy occur in the room with someone else, someone projecting energy. You feel that impulse of energy; in a split second, scramble through your neural netting and belief systems to discover what is an appropriate action or inaction that I should take; and then proceed with an action, all in a heartbeat. And you do something maybe didn’t need to be done.
If when you feel an impulse, you simply observe the impulse. And sometimes observing includes feeling the sensate experience of that impulse. Wait until the impulse runs through your system, and then evaluate if it’s appropriate to do anything at all before you even look to see which patterned response mechanism you are going to use to respond to that impulse because maybe the impulse does not need a response. It just needs to run its course. That is what we meant by ignore it.
Ignore the impulse; evaluate its presence and the experience of it. But you are evaluating it with discernment; not a good or bad polarity perspective, but a discernment of “Does this really require a response?” and, most of all, “Do I want to respond to this?” That is being a master of your own experience.
I love this. This is so true. Thank you!
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