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Your Truth

When a person is tuned into their self.  They can hear the spirit of another being, speak to them about their own truth. Spirit in one form speaking to Spirit in another form is the truth of Spirit. Through this connection, you can find and become more whole in your own truth. This is the time when you relax your mind, allow your heart, soul, and spirit to become one and live in the form you are in. In this space there is fearlessness and there is void of any of the lower feelings of pain, and suffering and guilt and shame and disdain, vengeance and all these things are not present. Your Spirit connects. This is where you find you own truth.

Stillness is where you will hear your own truth. You will know what to do; you will know what decisions feel right. You know by feeling when someone is speaking the truth to you; because the only truth that a person can speak to you is your own truth. Anything else they say is their truth. But if you listen and feel you will recognize your truth in their words.

Their words are not the truth. Their words can only reflect the feeling of your own truth. But you can only recognize this if you are still enough to listen and feel. You keep yourself busy, you keep yourself thinking about others and what they have said, or what they should do and what it all means all as a way to avoid your own truth as you did not prior to this, trust your own truth because as a child you were taught that your truth was wrong.

Mom’s truth, dad’s truth, brother’s truth, teacher’s truth, authorities truth is all more truthful and correct that your truth. So you live a life of self-doubt, you do not believe in your own truth, you do not listen to them even when things go against or the way that you thought they would in not such a good way. But you ignored that truth of yours and learned to believe in others and the older you got the more you believed in others the less you believed in yourself and your own truths. This partially occurs because you do not know how to interpret truth and the interpretation of truth is a whole other skill.

Most people do not how to interpret truth. This is because their patterns, their belief systems, their ideas all get in the way of their feeling of the truth. So all these patterns and beliefs all now are used to interpret your truthful feelings and they are misinterpreting the truth. Then when the truth is played out or spoken from these patterns and beliefs, they turn out wrong or inaccurate or you are told you are wrong or inaccurate. Now you have two filters, the filters of your beliefs and patterns and the filters of others. These filters are all corrupting the truth that you felt.

Over time you begin to distrust your truth. You give up your truth for the truth of others and you live your life based upon the truth of others and then things just go the way they go. You become unconscious and you become a puppet to other people’s truth, and there is this conflict within.

And to ignore the conflict one keeps themselves busy, they keep themselves occupied, they keep their mind running so they can ignore the conflict within. And the conflict is, “My truth, feeling, tells me something different than what I am hearing, seeing or believing, but I don’t want to listen to that because I have learned that that feeling truth is wrong and has gotten me into trouble with others.

Instead, I will have trouble and pain within myself to avoid the trouble and pain I experience from and by others and then the inner pain, sickness, illness, difficulty, all just begins to continue until I explode in some way.  I either explode in ill health or I explode in emotional difficulties. But, somehow I implode or explode and my life isn’t full and filling and my truth is completely lost.”

We say to you it is time to find your truth once again. Live the experience from the inside, not the outside.

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