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Understanding Yourself

Have you ever wondered why you are like you are? Why you do the things you do? Why your life has turned out as it has? It is something that you can research and find out. In recent years it has become a very popular subject. The subject is now understood as beliefs or belief systems. We will refer to these also as programs just like a computer program.

As a small child, you watch what has occurred in the world around you. You have assimilated that and assumed it to be a truth and the way the world should be. You then behave according to what you have watched with your own modifications so that you can make your world appear a little bit more like yours rather than just the direct clone of what you saw your parents, family or others around you be like.

As you have made these adjustments you have slightly modified these programs so that they look different, but they are ultimately the same. It is very common for a person to see their parents struggle, have difficulties with finances or relationships and grow up to have the same problems and difficulties. Some people would say that it’s genetic, hereditary, but we would tell you that it is simply poor programming. The beauty of this is that you can change the programming.

The first step to changing the programming is becoming conscious that this programming exists, seeing the patterns of behavior that are in your family history. You will also find a patterned behavior in your cultural history and your religious or philosophic history. So if your family happens to be Jewish, Catholic, or Muslim, there will be a certain patterned history with that, certain behaviors and certain expectations of the way someone should behave. The same as if you happen to be African, Asian, South American or European. All of those areas will have their our own patterned behaviors that will be the way families are supposed to act and behave, the way children should behave. Some cultures tend to express hostility, others are more emotional and feeling, and some are very cold and rigid, along with certain acceptable behaviors. Some overeat, some tend to drink, some hide from their problems and some just dump their emotional problems on others. All these are simply programmed behaviors that can be changed by anyone who chooses to do so.

It may at first seem to be a long journey and a little bit challenging and this is normal. Understand that you too can change anything you wish. All you have to do is apply yourself and be dedicated to yourself. Find answers. Do research. There are plenty of methods and techniques out there to make these changes. There is a lot of information these days very accessible.

For more information on how to do this, please contact us.

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